Peter Reckell, a.k.a Bo Brady from “Days of Our Lives,” has a beautiful wife of 26 years that many may not know about after his marriage to a soap opera co-star didn’t work
Peter Reckell, AKA Bo Brady from “Days of Our Lives,” has been married for 24 years to his “gorgeous” wife after his marriage to his soap opera…

4 Unforgettable Wedding Stories with Jaw-Dropping Drama
Weddings are usually a time of joy, but sometimes, the truth behind relationships comes to light and threatens the marriage before it even begins. In these four…

Everything you need to know about tonsil stones, the weird growths that look like pimples in your throat
Disgusting medical videos are all the rage on YouTube these days. Pimple popping, cyst draining, earwax removal, back cracking, foot callus scraping — you name it, there are probably millions of people who want…

A Husband’s Extraordinary Commitment to his Family
One morning, Amy Palmer woke up to find her husband, Andre, curled up on the cold concrete floor in a vulnerable position. She quickly snapped a photo…

3-Yr-Old Boy Dies On The Way To His Birthday Party
You never know what the day is going to hold when you wake up in the morning. Some days turn out to be perfectly normal but others…

Rich Man Without Hope Goes From Single To Having Five Adopted Kids In A Day
We sometimes think about people who have a lot of money and feel as if they have everything they need in life. If you ever knew these…

Her Husband Made Her Choose Between Him And The Dogs: Goodbye Husband
When we get married, it is for better or for worse. We do our best to stick things out and deal with the bad times, but sometimes…

90-Yr-Old Granny Sings The Funniest Lyrics To ‘I Fall To Pieces’
When we get older, we tend to slow down and some people are happy to retire to the rocking chair and simply sit on the porch and…

7 Math Questions That Stumped Every Parent
There are two types of people in this world, those who enjoy doing math and those who would rather avoid it. I’m sure that you made up…

How Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban deal with their daughters’ separation
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are two of the celebrities that are in the most demand, with the former spending a significant amount of time filming a…