There is a moment in life that most parents will remember with the biggest smile on their faces. It’s the time that they go through the pregnancy together, but there are sometimes when it is even more special.

Nobody knows this better than Jazzy and Rich, a young couple who were getting ready for the birth of their second child. They wanted to get to know the baby and they wanted to make the most of the pregnancy, so they decided to have a pregnancy photo shoot.

Those pregnancy photos are going to be remembered by the family for years to come. The photographer was taking pictures and you could certainly tell that she was pregnant, but there was something else about the experience that will make it even more memorable.

Pregnancy photos are something that can be passed along from one generation to the next. Many of us who were born decades ago do not have that benefit, but the younger generation will.

Jazzy wore a beautiful pink dress that she had selected for this occasion. Her youngest daughter, Reign, was also wearing a matching dress.

Before the photo shoot took place, they decided to have it on one particular day but they were worried about the weather. Fortunately, the sun did come out and it turned into a normal photo shoot.

What Jazzy didn’t realize, however, is that her boyfriend was about to do something that would make the entire occasion even more memorable. It was a surprise to Jazzy, as you can see when she turned around.

Watch the surprise for yourself in this video:

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