There has been a lot of discussion lately on the subject of tipping. Some people are for it, other people are against it but it seems as if everybody has an opinion on one way or another.

This includes one server, who has gone online to officially state the fact that they hate European diners. It happened after they served the diners who ran up a $700 bill and then they only left a 10% tip.

Even though the debate has been raging for quite some time, it seems as if we just can’t come to a conclusion that everyone agrees on. When the subject comes up, however, in almost lights a firestorm of debate.

In the United States, servers do not get paid a high salary so they need the supplemental income from the tips to afford to live. In Europe, employees are already given a living wage and tips or gestures that show when the service is outstanding.

In many places in Europe, it isn’t necessary to tip and they wouldn’t refuse it, but you are not necessarily expected to leave the extra money. In this case, however, the employee, Madison, worked in New York at a restaurant.

She made the complaint on Twitter and eventually deleted the post, but not before it started the debate and somebody was able to grab a screenshot. According to Madison, the table lingered for hours and said they were satisfied with the experience.

She said: “Lmao i f****** hate europeans sometimes on god. This table just left $70 on a $700 check after chilling for HOURS. My manager even asked about their service and they were OVER THE MOON about my service so he explained the customary tip is 20% and they were like ‘ok.’ And left, [sic].”

After they left $70 as a tip on a $700 bill, she expressed that she hates Europeans sometimes. When she shared the picture of the bill, you can even see that the minimum standard tip suggested on the bill was 20%.

Many people stood in her corner but others were wondering why she was complaining.




There were comments on both sides of the issue but one thing is certain, this is a debate that will continue to go on and on.

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