If there’s one thing that all of us need, it’s a good friend. More than likely, we have a lot of acquaintances in our lives but friends are rare finds, especially those that stick around for a long time.

Nobody knows this better than Shayden Walker, a little boy who could use a few friends. Apparently, he had been bullied by some of the neighbor kids so he decided to do the best thing he could think, and that is go door-to-door and look for some new pals.

That is when he ran into Brennan Ray. He and his wife, Angell were at home one day when the little boy came knocking. More specifically, he rang the doorbell and they were able to capture the video interaction that was just too pure not to share.

After the encounter was captured on video, it was uploaded to TikTok. The homeowner wanted to help the little boy to meet some new friends and added that he was ‘well-mannered, kind, and brave.’ The video went viral.


Another video was then added by the couple to update everyone. They showed what happened before the first video, because the little boy had tried to come up to their doorbell but had lost his nerve and walked away.

Brennan and Angell decided to do something special for him, so they set a goal of $7000 and started a GoFundMe. They wanted Shayden to go to an amusement park, get a few new clothes, and buy a gaming system.

In other words, they wanted him to feel special.


They told a little bit about his story, saying that he was feeling lonely. They said: “He mentioned he has been bullied and is having trouble finding friends.”

The fundraiser also went viral and reached more than $37,000. They ended up disabling donations for the time.

“We expected to see support from this community but we’re shocked and amazed by how everyone’s shown up for Shayden,” they said. “We decided to turn off donations while we coordinate with his family, but all funds will stay in the GoFundMe account until then. We’ll keep you updated along the way.”

You can watch their thank you message in the video below.

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