We live in a time when people seem to have opinions on almost any subject imaginable. Recently, this was seen in an unusual way when a mother stepped forth and banned a beloved cartoon character from her home.

Brittany is the mother who decided to ban Peppa Pig from her home. She has four children and she said none of her kids were allowed to watch the cartoon because the pig is rude and stupid.

She said: “Children are impressionable, always copying what they see and hear,” she wrote in a post online.

“Aside from Peppa’s attitude, the characters are caricatures: a perceptively unintelligent mother and a useless father (who gets picked on for his size).”

She added: “I don’t think it’s acceptable to display this to my children who use characters on the TV as role models.”

She tries not to give her children too much screen time but she isn’t against her children having a moderated form of downtime by watching TV. That isn’t true when it comes to the cartoon Pig.

She called Peppa deceptive and said that the pig was not as lightweight as you might think. Due to the cartoon’s poor values, she feels that it is something that should not be soaked up by young children.

She also claimed that her eldest had a change of attitude and his imaginative play was aggressive after watching the cartoon a few times. That is when she decided to phase it out of their lives.

Many people had comments on the subject, with some parents being behind her and others complaining that she was taking something wonderful out of her children’s lives. I guess this is something that will just always be up for debate.

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