Having a sick child can be very tough for parents. A couple from Georgia had their life go upside down when they discovered their infant son had hypotonia or floppy infant syndrome.

Justin Moore and Christian Moore were not even able to afford a proper walker for their son. Logan is only 2 years old and he cannot walk or do the things kids his age can because of his condition. The couple decided to go to Home Depot in Cedartown, Georgia, and get spare parts instead. Justin thought building a walker for his son would be the best and the most affordable plan he could come with.

When the couple went to the hardware store with his son, Cathy Ensley felt much empathy for the little one. She along with her co-workers asked the Moores to come back later. However, they had a plan to build a nice walker for Logan. As the couple returned, they found the perfect size of the walker with “Logan’ written on it. This made the couple’s day.

The kind gesture even resulted to be a great help for Logan! Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!



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