In the video below, Gavriil can be seen singing to his family. Don’t forget to share with a music enthusiast!

Following actress Viola Davis’ sharing of one particular video, it has been going viral online. ‘Young pianist’ was the caption she used along with a number of smiling emoticons.

Gavriil’s special gift, according to VT, is not music performance but rather music creation. Despite not being able to read or memorize tunes,

he can put together astonishingly harmonious arrangements. He also appears to have a level of dexterity uncommon for children his age.

The child’s talent has astounded many online commenters. Some people have even asserted that he must have been a pianist in a previous life.

‘Those who questioned reincarnation… Watch this, a user advised. One person remarked that Beethoven was ‘Beethoven reincarnated trying to figure out how to get his baby fingers to work.’

The Scherbenko family revealed last month that they had attempted to get Gavriil on television via Instagram.

Unfortunately, they were not cast in the episode of the Russian TV program ‘Amazing People’ for which they

had auditioned. Editors promised them, though, that they would be mentioned in a subsequent program.

The family most recently uploaded a video from a beach vacation. Don’t worry; they left infant Gavriil’s favorite pastime alone. Instead, they brought a toy piano that could be played on the beach.

‘We hoped that there would be some kind of bar, or a restaurant with a piano here, on the island of Mahe in the Seychelles, and we will beg to play it in the evenings,’the caption stated.

‘But no. The only people we encountered here were musicians playing on a combination street stage; they had a synthesizer, but they were unable to use it.

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