Ramsay, who had been supervising the construction of the special spaghettios al fresco dish, when he spotted the frizzy-haired impresario and immediately lost his cool.

“Is that that bloody Goldberg bird? Which of you donkeys let her smell up my restaurant? Come on!”

Goldberg heard the tirade, and responded in kind.

“Hey, it’s that freaking dumb-ass limey cook. Why don’t you nip back there and put together a grilled cheese sandwich for me, Sara Lee?”

Well, that did it for Ramsay. He stomped directly out to Whoopie’s table, and, hands on his hips, used his penis to slap the View’s first face silly, and then screamed as security threw her bodily out the front door.

“Get out get out GET OUT! And I’m SCOTTISH, you bloody hideous shit sipper!”

So that was the tale of how Whoopi was thrown out of Herown Vagina. That joke was a long time coming, wasn’t it?

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