It’s a sad fact that many dogs entering animal shelters are malnourished and underweight. It pains me to see animals struggling to the point where they’re almost too weak to stand.

Some, in spite of their neglect, remain affectionate and trusting towards humans, though others shrink in fear when a rescuer approaches. What the latter have been subjected to sometimes doesn’t bear thinking about.

Personally, I can’t imagine ever wanting to hurt an animal. Furthermore, I simply can’t understand why anyone would take any sort of pleasure in doing so …

That said, I think dogs have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing which people are good and which are not.

Those who work with animals will understand the importance of letting a creature that has been subjected to neglect make the first move. Of course, it’s common to want to pat and play with a dog to show it you mean no harm, but this isn’t always the best way.

Some people just don’t fathom that a dog that has experience of being mistreated might be caught off guard by a complete stranger.

Edie, an abandoned dog of mixed breed, was hours away from being put down. She was terrified of humans and it had been a long, long time since anyone cared for her. Her fur was a mess and she was dangerously malnourished.

It took a true animal lover to give Edie a second chance.

By admin

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